ABCKPI for the automotive industry
Automotive industry – Digitization for Car Manufacteurs, Original Equipment Manufacturers and automotive suppliers




When we were assisting our companies with operational excellence transformation projects, we understood that the software tools dedicated to continuous improvement were too complex, too expensive and too long to implement. This was an obstacle to process digitization for many companies. The automotive industry being at the forefront in terms of continuous improvement, we built partnerships with automotive suppliers IATF certified to design ABCKPI We were able to take the better of the best pratices implemented in this industry to select, create and develop the core functionnalities of ABCKPI
Matthieu Hommell
ABCKPI Co-founder

Implement Targets, Indicators and action plans to all you organisation stages.
Simply decline your strategic vision into processes and define dashboards, KPIs, targets and, when it is necesserary, action plans to reach the targets. You can now stop jumping from Excel to Powerpoint to manage the performance process and meetings, ABCKPI makes your life easier

Monitor the impact of you action plans
It is now possible to evaluate the impact of an action plan on a KPI to measure and communicate the realised gain. Thanks to that, you will know if an action shall be duplicated in an other environnment or in an other time frame.
Enhance collaboration in the organisation.
Each and any member of the organisation can contribute to performance contextualisation (rootcause of a breakdown, impact, blocking time, cause of the alteration of a KPI, …) in collaboration spaces accessible from you smartphone. No need to have 50 phonecalls to get information about what happened 6 month ago, it is now stored in the application.