Genesis in the automotive industry
The automotive industry being at the forefront in terms of continuous improvement, we built partnerships with automotive suppliers IATF certified to design ABCKPI.

Genesis of the project
Development of main functionalities
Based on functional observations, we designed ABCKPI core functionnalities. The core functionalities designed for first version of the application are listed below:
- To be able to access the online (SAAS) to allow to connect to the app through any device and whatever the work organisation (remote working, multisite management, etc) and to be affordable for our customers,
- To be able to configure simply the application and make sure it is perfectly reflecting your organisation,
- To be able to create KPIs and connect them with targets,
- To be able to choose review timeframe (Daily, weekly, monthly, annualy)
- To be able to define action plans and connect them (or not) to KPIs,
- To be able to simply visualise information to perform a management meeting using the app.
That is the core of the app, which allowed us to work with our first clients.
Developpement of next functionalities
Then, our clients made us several developpement requests. The requests considered in the global application and customer interest were validated, financed by our clients and developped.
Some examples of functional requirements, which were developped in this context:
- The automatic calculation of KPIs based on other KPIs (very useful to avoid multiple manual input of data)
- Data export on Office Suite (excel and powerpoint) to save time during data re-use or reporting
- Automatic agregation on data on greater timeframes like quarterly or annual visualisation
- Impact evaluation of an action plan on a KPI
- To be able to define action plans and connect them (or not) to KPIs,
- Etc
Application of automotive industry principles to other industries

When we were assisting our companies with operational excellence transformation projects, we understood that the software tools dedicated to continuous improvement were too complex, too expensive and too long to implement. This was an obstacle to process digitization for many companies. The automotive industry being at the forefront in terms of continuous improvement, we built partnerships with automotive suppliers IATF certified to design ABCKPI. We were able to take the better of the best pratices implemented in this industry to select, create and develop the core functionnalities of ABCKPI.