The ABCKPI project

ABCKPI is the result of the observation that access to digital platforms/tools, in particular for continuous improvement, was often reserved to large corporations and not affordable for many medium size companies.
The options available to these companies are most of the time expensive and, on top of that, complex to implement. The existing panel of solutions is designed for large corporations and require consequent budgets, which are often not available in family businesses or medium size companies. The budget is generaly composed of;
- licence cost,
- Implementation costs (integration, design, etc)
- hosting costs,
- training costs,
- specific development costs (if existing),
- maintenance costs, etc.
Budgets for this kind of solutions may be huge, especialy if the company decides to built its own solution.
Yet, the existing continuous improvement solutions are lacking of functional accessibility 6 to 12 month are often needed to reach the end of an IT project of this size (depending on the perimeter) and teams are required to help to configure the tool on top of their current activities. Once the tool has been implemented, the teams also require several month to understand the philosophy and the spirit The existing tools on the market have been generaly developped with a User Experience based on old principles making the tools les user-friendly when using it.

When we were assisting our companies with operational excellence transformation projects, we understood that the software tools dedicated to continuous improvement were too complex, too expensive and too long to implement. This was an obstacle to process digitization for many companies. The automotive industry being at the forefront in terms of continuous improvement, we built partnerships with automotive suppliers IATF certified to design ABCKPI. We were able to take the better of the best pratices implemented in this industry to select, create and develop the core functionnalities of ABCKPI.
Matthieu Hommell
ABCKPI, co-founder
After having made all these observations, we have given ourselves the objective to provide an digital web-based platform for continuous improvement :
- affordable for both small/medium sized companies and large companies;
- easy to implement (1 day max to configure it),
- adaptable to anyone needs by an intelligent coding system,
- inspired by the market best practices.
We considered that the automotive industry was the most mature industry when it comes to continuous improvement as it is implied by car manufacturers on the value chain thanks to the IATF norms. Consequently, we proposed a software matching with the industry needs so that anyone can benefit from it.