In-house development or outsourcing?
You have possibility to develop an in-house specific solution to digitise continuous improvement. Or you can also rely on a existing solution dedicated to continuous improvement.
You understood it, our plateform is dedicated to Quality, Continuous Improvement or Operational Excellence leaders who are willing to get an existing IT solution on the market. Yet, among our clients we also have some industrials who developpe their own IT solution in the past and then changed their mind for several reasons.

Develop its own in house IT solution is a significant budget.
You first invest in the development of a product which is basically ManDays from developpers. The more complex the project, the more difficult budget is difficult to anticipate. And many IT projects end up with expenses largely exceeding their initial budget. On top of ManDays, maintenance, evolutions, housing or training costs have also to be taken into account. Of course with time, their is a high risk to loose knowledge of the way it was built/developped because of turnover. Before making a decision, it is always recommended to look closely both business models (outsourcing or in-house developping) as a decision made too quickly or based on the wrong assumptions can lead to a bad situation.

Benefit from regular newly developped functionalities
A SaaS software constantly evolves with client needs and proposes new functionalities. You can benefit from it, without new investment.